What is Rosacea?
Rosacea is a common, chronic inflammatory disease. It usually presents with recurrent flushing of the skin and redness, telangiectasia, papules, or pustules on the nose, chin, cheeks, and forehead. Sometimes, itching, burning, or stinging can be observed in patients with rosacea.
The exact cause of rosacea is not well understood; however, genetics, immune reaction, environmental factors, and certain microorganisms have been associated with the development of rosacea. Exposure to sunlight is also a contributing factor to developing rosacea.
There are several different treatment options for managing rosacea. If rosacea is left untreated, patients may develop permanent redness and scarring.
At-Home Management of Rosacea
We recommend patients with rosacea apply sunscreen daily (preferably mineral sunscreen). It’s also a good idea to employ a gentle skin care routine using non-comedogenic and soap-free cleansers and avoid irritating skincare and cosmetic products.
In addition, avoiding triggers is important for managing rosacea’s tendency to come and go. Based on the characteristics of the patient’s rosacea, certain topical medications can be prescribed for at-home use. Topical brimonidine and topical oxymetazoline are recommended for persistent erythema or redness. Topical azelaic acid, topical ivermectin, topical metronidazole, and topical minocycline are recommended for the treatment of rosacea with papules/pustules present. These topical medications listed are prescription only, so seeing a healthcare provider for management and treatment of rosacea is necessary.
Some other ingredients that can be found in skincare products recommended for rosacea include lactic acid, mandelic acid, and hesperidin methyl chalcone. Some products that contain these ingredients that can be found here at Ageless in the Triad Med Spa include Avène Antirougeurs Fort Soothing Concentrate, Avène Anti-Redness Mask, Environ Revival Masque, and Environ Serience Night Serum.
Other products that are helpful in managing rosacea include moisturizers like Obagi Hydrate and Obagi Hydrate Luxe, as well as mineral sunscreens like Obagi Physical Defense SPF 50 (tinted) and SPF 40 (non-tinted).
In Office Treatments for Rosacea
Getting on an appropriate skincare regimen is important to help prevent rosacea from flaring up, but in-office treatments are also helpful for managing rosacea.
BBL, or BroadBand Light, is a type of laser therapy that is beneficial in the management of rosacea. BBL bypasses the top layer of skin to direct energy to deeper levels of the skin where rosacea is formed. Therefore, it is an ideal treatment because it allows for the deeply restorative benefits of new cell growth beneath the skin’s surface without triggering a rosacea flareup, while also helping to resolve redness.
Another treatment that can be done in office is a mandelic acid chemical peel. Mandelic acid has calming and exfoliating properties that make it a powerful ally for helping to heal rosacea.