Platsymal Bands/Neck Creases

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Did you know that Neurotoxins, such as Botox and Dysport, can be used (off-label) to temporarily soften the appearance of platsymal bands and horizontal neck creases?

Platsymal Bands/Neck Creases

The platysma is a broad and thin, superficial muscle in the neck that extends from the jaw line to the clavicles. Sometimes the platysma will separate and form rope-like vertical bands in the neck. The platysma, when activated, also pulls down the skin on the jaw line accentuating the jowls. Relaxing this muscle with Botox or Dysport will soften the appearance of the bands and help lift the skin at the jaw (second pic). This is an important component of a fake-lift or liquid facelift, creating a facelift-like effect by using fillers and neurotoxins.

Platsymal Bands/Neck Creases

Horizontal neck creases can be formed by looking down chronically (tech-neck). Botox or Dysport can be injected into these lines very superficially (first pic) to achieve a much smoother appearance of the neck.